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APicture yourA7self in a Dboat on a Dmriver,
With Atangerine A7trees and Dmarmalade Fskies.
ASomebody A7calls you, Dyou answer quite Dmslowly,
A Agirl with kalA7eidoscope DeyeDms.
D7Cellophane flowers of G7yellow and green,
D7Towering over your Ghead.
D7Look for the girl with the G7sun in her Geyes, And she's Dgone.
GLucy in the Csky with Ddiamonds,
GLucy in the Csky with Ddiamonds,
GLucy in the Csky with Ddiamonds,
AAhhhh, Ahhhh...
AFollow her A7down to a Dbridge by a Dmfountain,
Where Arocking horse A7people eat Dmarshmallow Fpies.
AEveryone smA7iles as you Ddrift past the Dmflowers,
That Agrow so incrA7edibly DhigDmh.
D7Newspaper taxis apG7pear on the shore,
D7Waiting to take you Gaway.
D7Climb in the back with your G7head in the Gclouds, And you're Dgone.
GLucy in the Csky with Ddiamonds,
GLucy in the Csky with Ddiamonds,
GLucy in the Csky with Ddiamonds,
AAhhhh, Ahhhh...
APicture yourA7self on a trDain in a Dmstation,
With Aplasticine A7porters with lDooking glass Fties.
ASuddenly sA7omeone is Dthere at the Dmturnstile,
The Agirl with kaA7leidoscope Deyes.
GLucy in the Csky with Ddiamonds,
GLucy in the Csky with Ddiamonds,
GLucy in the Csky with Ddiamonds,
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